Assorted Nerdery


Oh Deer!

While out for a run last week, I came across a deer in the woods. It was quite docile and unafraid of me. Hopefully it stays out of traffic. Click for pictures.

Migrating to Nikola


This site is now built using ox-hugo and the Hugo static site generator.

This blog originally started a few years back on Blogspot. Google has since begun making a whole host of changes that I’m not a big fan of – in particular, eliminating Google Reader. This was my notice to begin seeking alternative places to host my email and other services.

The idea of a static site generator for my blog appeals to me. You can host your site anywhere and move it at a moment’s notice. The server you’re hosting it on is more secure since there is no need for databases, PHP, NodeJS, etc. Even backups are really easy to make using version control software (I’m partial to Joey Hess' Git-Annex).

Breakneck Ridge

A few months back, I hiked Breakneck Ridge at the suggestion of a friend.

I’ll get the GPX track up eventually, but here are some pictures.

September First

Once upon a time, I lived with a number of roommates in the Brighton MA area. It was a really fun time and I’m very glad for the experience. I don’t know if they’d necessarily agree.

For those of you not from around here, September 1 is the day that just about every lease in the Boston, Cambridge, Brookline area starts. Everyone needs to get up really early and get all their junk out of their apartment. They need to figure out something to do with all their stuff for a few hours while they try to track down their landlords to pick up their new keys. This means that it’s utter mayhem to be driving in the city. There are angry and stressed out people all over the sidewalks.

AU Reunion

This past weekend was Alumni Reunion at Alfred University. I made the drive out with a buddy for the event.

The highlight of the weekend (other than seeing everyone again) was the two Pethan performances. Pethan, of course, is the best band that you’ve likely never heard of. The performances were streamed to an adoring audience of several on the internet.

The shows were archived here:

  • Friday Night (2013-06-07)

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